• Advanced dynamically recompiling compiler - giving all of the benefits of an interpreter,
while still running at fully compiled speed;
• Development is supported on both 68k and PowerPC Macintoshes, running native on both
• Build standalone applications for 68k, Power Macintoshes (including Fat applications) and
Windows 95/98/NT*
• Built-in single-user, SQL database engine*
• Database connectivity to Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, 4D Server, PostgreSQL, OpenBase, Dtf SQL
and any ODBC-compliant database engine*
• Supports Hypercard's XCMD's and XFCN's
• Supports AppleScript and AppleEvents
• Supports QuickTime
• Sprite engine for picture animation
• >32K styled text edit fields
• Hierarchical multi-column list boxes
• True Macintosh drag and drop support
• Multi-threading
• Native REALbasic Plugins
Standard and Professional Editions
REALbasic version 2 comes in two editions: Standard and Professional. The Professional edition has all the features of the Standard edition but also includes a Windows compiler, a single-user database engine and database connectivity to Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, 4D Server, PostgreSQL, OpenBase, Dtf SQL or any ODBC-compliant database engine. You can purchase the Standard edition and then upgrade to the Professional edition at any time.
While the REALbasic CD includes electronic documentation in PDF and eDoc, you can also order printed documentation (over 900 pages) from our website. The PDF version requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 or later which is included on the REALbasic CD. The eDoc version requires eDoc Reader which is also included on the REALbasic CD.
System Requirements
Macintosh Computer running System 7.6.1 or later, 68020 or PowerPC Processor, 4.5 megabytes of available memory (with Virtual Memory on), and a hard disk with 6.5 megabytes of free space.
Give REALbasic to your friends
Without a serial number, REALbasic becomes a 30 day trial version. This means you can give copies of REALbasic to whomever you want (and we encourage you to do so) provided you don't give them your serial number.
Lots of REALbasic Examples
Our ftp site (as well as the REALbasic CD) has over 150 megabytes of example applications complete with source code. You can also purchase the CD for $9.95 plus shipping by phone or by fax. You do not need to purchase a serial number to purchase the CD or documentation. You only need to purchase a serial number to use REALbasic beyond the 30 day trial period.
REALbasic 2.1 Updates
We update REALbasic very frequently to provide improved performance and new features. You can check for updates to REALbasic 2.1 at our web site at www.realsoftware.com/new/release.html.
Get the latest and greatest information about REALbasic
To find out about all the different sources of information about REALbasic, check out our support page at http://www.realsoftware.com/support.html.
REALbasic is a registered trademark of REAL Software, Inc.
* The Standard Edition creates demo versions of Windows applications and can concurrently access up to 50 records in the REALbasic database. The Professional edition creates unlimited Windows applications and supports the other databases, with unlimited access to the REALbasic database.